Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Believe it or not, the doors of destiny have finally been painted.  There they stand gleaming white like an advert for Colgate.  All that’s left now is to tart up the rest of the house but that’s a project for another day (or decade!).

Finished at long last - doors of destiny

Whilst my doors have achieved their destiny, my flower beds almost morphed into deep, cheesy-bug ridden pits of despair.  Nothing germinated!!!  No peas, dwarf beans, carrots or beetroot.  Not a sausage – although I’d be surprised to see any of those growing in the garden. 

So what happened?  I dutifully planted everything out at the end of April during that warm post Easter weekend and waited.  Weeks later, still no sign of vegetation.  A bit like Spain and their recent world cup performance – not a goal in sight!  But unlike Spain, I’ve had to resort to cheating by buying a few fresh packets of seeds and ready grown mini plants in a bid to reap a veggie harvest later on in the year. Just because I haven’t grown my own from seed doesn’t make me any less green fingered than Carol Klein does it?

Mini beetroot plants from B&Q

Lesson learned though, however thrifty you may be it doesn’t pay to hoard seeds.  Old seeds lose their flower power and obviously don’t do so well.  Better to splash out on fresh ones or save your own from a previous crop.  Disaster averted - peas and beans have now sprouted under the plastic tunnels and the mini beetroot plants appear to have taken well. 

Unlike the veg patch, the flower borders have pretty much exploded this year thanks to the alternating sun and rain.  Pretty soon, I’ll need a machete to tame them into submission.  

Blackberry plants have gone bonkers this year

Feast your eyes on our cardoon.  Standing at least 4 feet tall I’m sure it’s on the verge of flowering, those tell-tale artichoke-like clusters topping the plant being the prelude to something spectacular (I hope).  I'll be keeping a close eye on them in the coming days.

Cardoon towering above everything else

Artichoke like flower heads