Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Friday, August 25, 2017


Ok so it’s not a partridge but a sparrow, a stuffed one.  (Small print - no animals were harmed in the making of this blog post).   But it did get you looking at my amazing pear tree which is now weighted down with 5 lovely, juicy pears.

A partridge in a pear tree?

Not really many partridges to be seen around Charminster (well none to be precise) and if there were any, I expect our Serbian neighbours would have spit roasted them by now on one of their infamous garden bonfires.  Clearly the phrase ‘climate change’ is not something that translates easily into their native dialect.

Neighbours from hell

Unaffected by bonfires, my pears are slowly getting fatter and fatter each day.  I’m looking forward to biting into one of these beauties and can picture it now, juice trickling down my chin and ruining yet another Primarni T-shirt as I’m such a messy eater.  Mmmm – I can already mentally taste those pears!

Our first crop of conference pears