Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Saturday, February 08, 2014


Punxsutawney Phil, the infamous weather predicting ground-hog of film fame, has declared we’ve got six more weeks of winter to get through.  Six more weeks of bitter cold, lashing rain, bed socks and sub-zero office temperatures at work.  No, seriously why is the only thing working overtime the air conditioning?  A few of my colleagues (me included) have been close to hypothermia this week.

Looks like rain to me

By Phil’s reckoning we should be out of this rough patch by mid March after which I expect to see the usual ‘BBQ summer headlines’ splashed across the tabloids.  I recently overheard one of the girls at work saying that Primark were already selling swimwear.  Probably quite apt as some of us might have to front crawl to the shops if this rain continues.

My question is this - can a ground-hog really predict the weather or was Phil just pissed at being rudely woken up in the middle of his long winter nap?  I know I would be.

Ground-hog Day - http://www.groundhog.org/

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