Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Taking a break from DIY for a weekend mooch around Bristol.  This large bustling metropolis on the River Avon has many interesting things to see:

There’s ships

Bristol's harbourside area

There’s spectacular feats of engineering

Clifton Suspension Bridge

There’s invisible people climbing in through windows

Invisible man locks himself out

And of course there’s the infamous cat pub, the Bag of Nails, where you can enjoy a specialist ale, play all those old board games you’d forgotten about whilst listening to the landlord’s eclectic vinyl collection on a Technics record deck that the pub is probably named after.  It’s all a bit weird but extremely chilled out.

The Bag of Nails pub

Specialist beer drinker & cat lover heaven

In this minuscule drinking emporium, kitties casually stroll across the bar counter dodging pint glasses and beer pumps to seek out strategically placed cardboard boxes on which to have a kip.  

I'll have a cat daniels and coke bartender.

Sorry I don't have any ID on me, I'm a cat.

We spotted at least 3 tabbies and a gorgeous brown cat, all of which seemed quite at home amongst the bottles and beer supping punters.

Ripped wallpaper?  Not me Guv

Now I have been known in the past to slyly purloin special beer glasses from pubs by means of an over-sized handbag and wondered if I could get away with a cat?  But those days are long gone thanks to fashion fads, large super-sized carpetbags having been replaced by smaller functional micro bags so no chance of kitty kidnapping today.  Still, it’s a thought eh? 

The Bag of Nails is definitely the best thing about Bristol – beer and cats, what’s not to like?

No.  I'm not going to look at you.

Of all the bars in all the world you had to meow into mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amused at the way they are all sitting in those cardboard trays. The logic of cats! LOL ~ Senor Pringo xxx