Not one to pass up a bargain even though it’s a week before payday and the old bank balance is looking redder than the other half’s sun-baked face, I’ve begun acquiring plants for the back border.
Super scrimpers like me will know how much the word ‘clearance’ gladdens the heart and makes your pulse race. I still get a nervous flutter when I spot something that’s been heavily discounted on shop shelves then I pounce on it like a hungry hen, clucking over the thing until I get it home. “Crazy old bird” says the other half. He’s not wrong there.
am I clucking over this week? Well, I
was lucky enough to acquire some packs of canna rhizomes in B&Q which had
been reduced down from £3 to £1 per pack.
Push the boat out and buy a tenner’s worth! I’ve never grown cannas before but hey, I’m
not going to let that stop me.
experiment, I’ve planted half the tubers straight into a large hole in the
ground and potted up the other half to see which germinate the fastest.
Which cannas will appear first?
few acquisitions have also been found for the shadier back border. Being a hospitable person, I’ve sent out a
dinner invite to passing slugs/snails by planting a few hostas. Fingers crossed that these don’t get scoffed
Hostas loved by slugs and snails
Easy to grow perennials such as phlox, echinops and salvia fill the sunnier gaps and hopefully will add some height and colour.
Remember to add lots of ericacious compost
I love evergreen plants, I’ve added a camelia, some azaleas and I couldn’t
resist this very beautiful hybrid rhododendron ‘scyphocalix’.
Scyphocalix hybrid rhododendron |
Just look at these wonderful flowers, the colour of sunsets. They remind me of Peruvian lillies as they’re a little smaller than your usual rhododendron blossoms.
Needless to say I’m looking forward to payday on Friday as I’ve spotted a few other shrubs and ferns that I wouldn’t mind adding to the border.