Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Tuesday, December 06, 2022


Putting the finishing touches now to the kitchen before it can be finally signed off as complete.  There’s just one thing missing on the papered wall and that’s a nice big noticeboard/whiteboard on which to scribble all those random notes about buying loo rolls or remembering to tax the car.


I think we need a noticeboard

There are some great noticeboards on Etsy that would be perfect for this space but not at £160.  Crikey, it’s only a noticeboard not the crown jewels!  Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against Etsy - if you've got a skill then monetise it but blimey, customisation is costly.  

A rummage in the garage produced an old cork noticeboard and a whiteboard planner so it’s time to reach for the MDF to make your own custom noticeboard. LLB would be so proud.

Here’s how to make one: 

Decide on size and shape you want your noticeboard to be and think about what sort of things you might want on it – whiteboard/corkboard areas, drawers, hooks, etc

Things to put on my custom noticeboard

Cut a piece of 12 mm thick MDF board the size and shape of your noticeboard.  This will be used as a base board on which will sit a frame and all the other components.


MDF base cut to the desired board size

Dry position all components on top of the base board to determine the location  of the outer frame and divider strips.


Work out where you want your components

Using 11 mm thick pine battens (B&Q) cut lengths to make a frame for the outer edge of the base board.  Stick into position using strong adhesive then clamp down to keep the battens flat whilst the glue dries.  Leave to dry overnight.


Begin sticking the frame into place

Clamp and leave to dry overnight

If you are using a whiteboard then stick this into position first so that the edges of the whiteboard can be neatly tucked under the frame lengths.


Edge of whiteboard should be covered by frame

Turn the baseboard over and fit 4 hanging brackets.  We used picture frame brackets from B&Q so that the finished noticeboard can be securely screwed onto the wall.


Hanging brackets fitted to back of board

Fit 4 brackets to sides of base board

Cut pine battens to desired lengths to make individual frames for each of your noticeboard components.  We used different widths to add a bit of character to the central area.  Stick and clamp down as before.


Add other battens to create compartments

Stick battens into place then leave to dry overnight

When the frame and all your central compartments have been added, fill any gaps at the joins with decorator’s caulk.  Sand down all uneven areas.


Sand down edges & uneven areas

Now it’s time to paint your noticeboard.  I’ve used B&Q’s velvet smooth furniture paint (Meriden grey) as it is self -priming and gives a good finish when applied with a small sponge roller or brush.  Mask up any areas that you don’t want painted then apply 2 coats, sanding between coats with a fine grit sandpaper.


Velvet smooth furniture paint - B&Q

Apply 2 coats of furniture paint

Once your noticeboard is painted, begin to add other components.  I’m adding a piece of corkboard cut down to size from an old office noticeboard and some little drawers. 


Glue corkboard into place

Cut corkboard to desired size then glue into position.


Small storage unit from The Range

My small drawers started life as a two-tier storage unit purchased for £12 from The Range.  I carefully separated the drawers then painted them to match the board but you could make these a contrasting colour to jazz things up. 


Paint drawers to match noticeboard

Glue the drawers into position onto the base board.  

Glue drawers onto the 

To ensure the drawers don’t fall off once they are weighed down by contents then I’m adding a pair of pipe brackets left over from another project to give the drawers extra support and decorative impact.  

Black pipe brackets

Screw the pipe brackets onto the baseboard centred under each drawer.  It’s quite hard to find small stubby black screws in places like B&Q so buy longer ones then grind off the unwanted piece at the back. 

After the drawers are glued on

Screw brackets to the board underneath drawers

Add second smaller drawer

As a final touch, I’ve added a novelty sign purchased at a local garden centre that nicely sums up our new kitchen as being a special place.  You can add anything to personalise your board.  Glue into position.


Personalise your board with cute signs

The finished noticeboard has been hung into position on the kitchen wall.  It looks amazing and a much cheaper alternative to those listed on Etsy.

Hung and ready to use

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