Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Friday, August 02, 2024


Don’t know how many phone calls I took today from my boss, berating me for some transgression or other. Seems like one day you’re the Golden Girl, the next some lackey whose arse needs a good kicking. I know which one I’d like to think I am.

Funny how you never get calls to congratulate or thank you for doing an amazing piece of work - it's always the mistakes or things you've failed to do that get focussed on.  

The power of positive feedback rarely registers on the management Richter scale these days but never mind, eh!

To all the lackeys in the world, this post is for us:

Keep smiling and believe in the above

As Chumbawamba once sang:

            I get knocked down, but I get up again

            You are never gonna keep me down

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