Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Monday, December 02, 2024


Year end is fast approaching. It’s now only 23 days to Christmas and shock horror, my tree is still not up!

Unlike many of the neighbours for whom Christmas started mid-November, our Crimbo is still firmly packed away in the loft. Sadly, the festive season is way down the list of priorities as all efforts have been focussed on ending the ‘Being In Storage’ crisis.

After 4 years, we’ve finally kissed goodbye to the storage unit. About time too! When I think of how much money I’ve spaffed on keeping my hoarded tat in a secure store, it sends shivers down my spine and through my purse.

I did a rough calculation the other day, it went something like this:

£135 per month x 12 = £1,620 annually x 4 years = £6,480

Bloody hells bells! That money could have amply paid for a new downstairs cloakroom and carpeted the entire first floor. When I’ve watched every penny closer than a peregrine eyeing up a fat pigeon on a cathedral turret, how could such a financial travesty have happened?

Pigeon pie for lunch

I obviously fell into the same trap that all new house buyers do getting carried away with renovations before shoring up the coffers.

This is definitely a BIG money tip to all you first time buyers out there – make sure you blag any free storage going with friends or family before you consider sticking all your precious possessions into long term storage.

Of course, sometimes stuff has to go into storage. Situations don’t always allow for you and your possessions to remain together so a secure lock up can be a godsend but financially, only do it short term. Definitely explore any loft, shed or garage storage options in your new house BEFORE signing your soul away on a long storage contract.

Anyhow, no good crying over spilt milk. The deed was done. Storage served its purpose, helped us during refurbishment and kept our stuff safe and sound whilst we sweated over our DIY projects. The flip side is that now all that lovely cash can be diverted into the ‘I Want To Refurbish The Downstairs Toilet’ crisis which means I can now buy mince pies, a new loo and some gold coloured taps without feeling guilty.

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