Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Wednesday, May 09, 2012


It’s a sad state of affairs when the everyday things in life you tend to take for granted get suddenly violated for reasons best known only to the dear Lord himself.  Whilst some people may be anxious to protect their privacy, I’m completely at a loss for words over a different kind of hacking that has taken place under my very nose.

Behold what’s left of a beautiful variegated holly tree in our neighbour’s front garden.  

Tree killers!

There it was minding its own business, innocently swaying in the wind and providing food or shelter for the birds then wham!  Brutally butchered.  Why oh why?  It wasn’t particularly large or bushy to be blocking out a great deal of daylight from the nearest window.  Its leafy crown could easily have been pruned down into a smaller more aesthetically pleasing shape but no, years of painstaking growth thoughtlessly hacked off in seconds. 

I appreciate it’s not my garden so I wouldn’t have had a say in the matter but it pains me to look upon that gaping wound in what was once a lovely holly tree.  

How would you like to have your head chopped off?

We are the only species that will ultimately be responsible for our own extinction since we show little regard for anything else other than our own selfish, greedy and mindless ends.

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