Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Monday, May 07, 2012


Rain has certainly not dulled the appetites of our feathered friends as McTwitters has had a constant stream of visitors swooping in for snacks.  Regular pigeon parties, a pair of nesting blackbirds, a couple of sparrows and even the occasional magpie have been seen foraging for bread and seeds.

The other morning, I was amazed to see a squirrel leap from the top of the garden trellised arch onto the roof of McTwitters so that it could dangle upside down to reach into the sunflower dispenser. 

But just as Jamie Oliver is concerned about fat children, shouldn’t there also be someone to champion the plight of overweight birds?  I mean, think about it.  What if all the birds got so fat they couldn’t fly?  Then they’d all be eaten by that peckish fox from number 91 and what starts off like a well-meaning gesture ends up being avian Armageddon.  Are we really doing birds a favour feeding them up?  There could be much more at stake here than getting rid of stale bread.

In fact, I’m now so traumatised at the thought of being a potential bird killer that I’m off for a cup of tea to soothe my nerves.  In the meantime, I’ll leave you with the photographic evidence that proves birds do not diet.

1 comment:

Deco-morphosis said...

Fantastic pictures!