Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Saturday, April 12, 2014


It’s always nice to take a trip down memory lane, to ramble back in time to those distant days that always seem better in hindsight.  And at our time of life, let’s face it a trip down memory lane is a daily essential in remembering where you last stuck the trowel or tidied away that packet of pea seeds that you’re now desperate to put your hands on. 

Time certainly makes a great deal of difference in the gardening world.  You look back on photos of the ‘then’ and ‘now’ and it’s always amazing to see the marvellous changes that have taken place under your very nose. 

For instance, I remember when we planted up our rhododendron area at the back of the garden back in March 2009. 

March 2009 - planting up the rhododendrons

Hard to believe it’s been 5 years already but just look at the difference.   

April 2014 - Look how they've grown!

The star jasmines on the climber have almost tripled in size, covering most of the side trellis and starting to spread across the top.  

Dwarf rhododendrons and azaleas

The rhododendrons and azaleas being slower growers have probably doubled in size.

Camelia is almost 6 ft tall

The camellia is almost the height of the 6ft wall surrounding the garden.  There’s not a bare patch of earth in sight!


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