Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Sunday, April 26, 2015


There’s a lot to be said for having a plumber for a son-in-law. For one thing, he’s a bit more circumspect about flashing the old bum cleavage and secondly, there’s none of that chin scratching, ooh err missus that’s a day’s worth of work malarkey that you often encounter when inviting in random tradespeople to quote for your household jobs.

He’s a dab hand when it comes to fixing leaky pipes, servicing the boiler or plumbing in new radiators and what a grand job he’s done with our new super stylish vertical radiator. We could barely move the thing around the dining room yet I saw him casually lift it onto the wall brackets like he was hanging an oversized canvas. Weighing around 50 kg that’s pretty impressive!

Milano Aruba double panel vertical radiator

Wall hung with pipework chased into wall

Apparently it’s all about BTUs when it comes to choosing a new radiator. Since the kitchen has always been a cold room because of the concrete floor then I’ve gone for the toastiest model possible – the Milano Aruba double panel designer rad, a bargain from the Best Heating web site at £250 and giving out over 8,000 BTUs of lovely heat. I’m looking forward to next winter when I can cuddle up to it whilst waiting for the kettle to boil.

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