Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Wednesday, April 05, 2017


I’ve re-discovered the art of knitting since joining the workplace knitting group and have become what can only be described as a right ‘Knitty Nora’.  The needles are never out of my hands these days! 

Knitting, as those of you who partake of this pleasure will know, can soon become an obsessive compulsive past-time but at the same time is strangely therapeutic.  After all the chores are done, there’s nothing better than vegging out to a good movie and a spot of knit one, purl one.  This simple hobby has produced a myriad of woolly toys, hats and jumpers mostly donated to good causes both at work and to local hospitals. 

Mr Snowman

What’s more, it gives me a bona fide excuse to indulge in charity shop shopping as many often have random balls of wool and other crafty bits and pieces that can be quickly fashioned into small items for sale.  So really it’s two hobbies in one with many benefits both for me and others.

I recently picked up a couple of lovely balls of pale yellow wool whilst rummaging about in a Parkstone charity shop and used it to make fluffy chicks for Easter.  (24 chicks for £2.50) 

A basket of fluffy chickies

I’m hoping to sell these at work to raise funds for one of our charitable causes.  They’re so cute and a perfect fit for a crème egg or two.  Not that I’ll be tucking into any as my arse is already the size of a small planet with no further need to widen its orbit!

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