Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Sunday, April 09, 2017


Excuse the smut but in these humourless times we live in I’ve gone back to my non PC childhood, a time where I remember we could call a spade a spade and not be cyber-lynched by a load of holier-than-thou trolls who couldn’t spell hypocrisy if their spelling bee app hit them in the face (literacy happy slapping – kids don’t try this at school). 

There’s nothing wrong with the odd double-entendre now and again so live with it.  We did back in the seventies, that infamous era of tartan bell bottoms, platforms and disco.  In them days, it was OK to go out for a ‘chinky’ or pop down to the ‘paki’ shop for a loaf of bread or a penny worth of sweets.  Nobody took any notice.  Nobody got offended.  Nobody had the means to tell half the world and if they had, nobody would have bothered because there was other more important stuff to deal with like power cuts and miners strikes.  Nowadays even buying white bread automatically brands you some kind of racist – such are the nonsensical politically correct times we live in.

Sorry, off on a tangent or on my soapbox as the other half would say.  In this case the pair being referred to are not my jugs but the pear tree on my patio which I planted a couple of years ago.  It’s a Conference pear and as you can see from the photo below, is currently in full bloom.

Patio pear tree - Conference

Flowers usually mean fruits in my book so I’m hopeful that perhaps this year we may actually get to taste a few home grown pears but we’ll see.  It’s a small tree planted in a reasonably sized tub but this is not likely to be the ideal growing condition for pears. 

Beautiful blossoms

It would probably fare better in the soil where roots can spread out liberally and draw nutrients from deep down.  I haven’t given it a feed or sprayed it with any chemicals, preferring to grow things very organically though I suspect I’ll have to do some background reading on how to look after my pear so that they’ll look their best. (nudge, nudge, wink, wink!)

But never mind all that.  Look out - Mr Tabbs is on his way over as the Charminster Cat Cafe has now re-opened for business.

Meow - what's on the menu?

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