Confucius he say “It is easier to find a racecourse in West Sussex than it is to find an NHS dentist.” Interestingly Google maps shows more dental practices in Chichester town centre than anything else. Either the local residents eat too many sweeties or with the majority being elderly, it’s a Klondike gold fillings rush for dentists. Yeehaa!
Not that I’ve got anything wrong with my gnashers. These pearly whites are good for a few more decades yet but when you get to my age it’s always beneficial to be registered with a practice in case of emergencies like when you decide to open beer bottles with your teeth and chip one of them.
For impoverished riff raff like me this poses a bit of a problem because going to the dentist with toothache usually ends up costing more than a shopping splurge in Harrods unless you’re an NHS patient. And judging from the email responses so far, it seems our local chopper flossers are all Harrods shoppers because most practices are private patients only.
Unless you’ve got one of those Denplan policies, an initial visit to any one of these practices is £70 plus – cash which I could put to better uses round the house rather than spending it on expensive Oral B advice or a poke round the gums with an ice pick.
The Chichester Observer recently observed the same thing and my heart went out to the woman who chose to pull out 9 of her own teeth rather than hand over the cost of a Disney holiday to a private dentist. A bit of string and a hard shove on the door, job done!
with Fontwell Park being just down the road next time I need an extraction,
I’ll just give the horse vet a call as it’s probably cheaper than visiting one
of these mentalist dentalists.
I use a water flosser on mine |