Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Friday, November 20, 2020


It was a funny old weekend weatherwise in Chichester, alternating between gale force squally rain, hailstones and sunshine.  A beautiful rainbow sprang up over the nearby rooftops brightening up the arduous task of wallpaper stripping. Rainbows always make you smile.


Rainbows always make you smile

I've yet to find the pot of gold


Wonderfully vibrant colours

Steaming ahead in more ways than one, both bedrooms plus the dining room end of the lounge have been stripped to within an inch of their lives.  My bingo wings are looking the full house thanks to all this exercise. 


Supervising the workforce

The same cannot be said of the central heating system – it’s certainly not the full house or even a warm house.   The system is as antiquated as the neighbours and temperamental, working on an ‘as and when it feels like it’ basis so I’ve had to book in a visit from a plumber to see if he can make sense of it.  In the meantime, we’ve nothing but a tiny fan heater to huddle round and hoodies to snuggle into of an evening.  Bbbbrrrr!

Plumber’s been and gone taking £261 with him for fixing our heating issues which turned out to be a faulty valve.  I’m sure it won’t be the last time we’ll be seeing him. This is what you get when you buy old properties with old heating systems.  I expect ours probably got a mention in the Doomsday Book.

Antiques roadshow

1 comment:

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Took me back to 1970....
