Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


Ssshhh!  I’m typing this as quietly as possible so as not to alert our neighbour to the fact that the new garden wall has magically appeared because my nerves can’t take any more bush tucker trials.


The great wall of Chi finally going up

I suspect our garden’s probably been under more surveillance than MI5 can stretch to, the landscapers reliably informing me that a daily appearance with coffee is how a beady eye is kept on things.  As I don’t get home from work until lunchtime then at least they’re not going thirsty. 

It’s not really the kind of weather that’s great for bricklaying or putting down a patio but these hardy peeps appear to be cracking on now that the frosts have slightly abated.  

Wall finished and under cover for protection

They have some kind of secret ingredient that’s added to the mortar mix to keep it from being affected by frost.  Wish I knew what it was so I could add it to my tea, it’s so damn cold outside.  I’ll have to make do with a wee dram or two and a pair of long johns instead. 

Provided the temperatures stay above zero they’ll begin laying the patio slabs tomorrow so hopefully I’ll have a nice surprise to come home to. 

Patio laying to begin tomorrow

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