Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


If there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the years it’s that less is not always more.  Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise especially when you’re buying a whippy ice cream.  Always buy the largest!


And this is just my portion ...

Now let’s apply that thought to my tomato plants.  Here are some growing happily in their plastic troughs.  I have to admit they’re puny looking and not exactly bursting with tomatoey health are they?


The Mr Puniverse of the tomato world

And here are my other tomato plants.  These were transplanted into the new deeper wooden planters built from decking planks.


What a difference!

Just look at the difference a bit more depth has made to them.  The plants have now got more root room and more composty goodness to grow in so as a result have shot up taller, produced bigger lusher leaves and lots more baby tomatoes. 

Move over vanilla, planter production is flavour of the month with another 3 joining those already in service.


Please sir, can I have some more?

Line your planters to protect the timber

Two coats of garden/exterior paint on the outside

Bargain bucket paint does the trick

One planter is a replacement tomato home for those still in plastic troughs to match the first one we made.

Double ketchup capacity

The other two planters are destined for the alleyway to become what I call an ‘instant garden’ filled with colourful bedding plants to add a bit of colour to an otherwise dull side passage.


You can never have enough planters

The perfect home for my home grown parsley plants

Bringing instant colour to the alleyway

Bucking the current eco trend for peat free compost (which I really don’t rate) I’ve scoured the internet to source some of the good old-fashioned peat-based stuff.  Yeah, I’m expecting to find a bunch of tree-hugging, eco-warriors glued to my front door when I get home from work but if you ever took up gardening then you’d understand what a difference a bit of peat makes to your plants. 

Sorry got to run, I think I hear the chimes of the whippy van in the distance ….

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