Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Friday, May 24, 2024


Not another house on the market! Got home today to find a removals van clearing out next door and an email from the landlord of the bungalow on the other side of our property giving me a heads up that he too is putting his house up for sale. Is there something we should know?

Everybody's changing and I don't know why

We obviously smell or have lowered the tone in our neighbourhood so much that it appears no-one wants to live near us anymore. Since moving in over 3 years ago, there have been at least 6 properties sold in our cul-de-sac of 23 houses, many following the demise of the existing elderly proprietors or those moving on into assisted living accommodation.

Whilst I welcome new blood, there’s an awful sense of foreboding too. Until now, our happy little world has largely been filled with quiet, considerate old biddies who love gardening and keep their bungalows well maintained. Allowing a younger element into the street may lead to noisy all-night parties, screaming kids, junk filled gardens and extra cars parking all over the place. 

Coming soon

If I had my way, I’d buy up all 23 properties then turn the cul-de-sac into a private residential estate for the over 60s. Tenants would be subject to rigorous vetting!

Selfish as these thoughts might be, I can’t bear the thought of having to move house again to find somewhere nice and quiet to retire to. That would be a nightmare. The upheaval, expense, the nail-biting drama of the purchase process – there’s no way on earth I want to go through all that malarkey again at my age. I’m leaving this place feet first!

Besides which, I don’t think such quiet places exist anymore as developers/local authorities look to shoehorn in as many houses as they can into every conceivable bit of land resulting in sprawling conurbations that eventually turn into lawless ghettos.

You can pick your friends but you can’t pick your neighbours. With a bit of luck, whoever moves in will look upon us as a couple of anti-social weirdos and avoid us like the plague. Ugh people!

Getting one of these for my front door

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