Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Monday, October 21, 2013


Ah how quickly that ‘just back from holiday’ feeling changes from euphoria to deflated balloon.  I’ve only been back 3 days and am already facing the countdown to Christmas, a host family inspection visit from Anglo Continental and the prospect of having to face up to the spider issue.  This last challenge is something I’ve tried to deny for the past couple of months but has now been thrust to the fore thanks to the impending inspection on Wednesday.

In my book, anything with eight legs is definitely not a good thing.  For starters, any creature that has 6 legs more than I do is to be pitied rather than admired.  Must be a nightmare shopping for trousers or tights!  If it lives in a web and dines on fat, juicy bluebottles then approach with caution and a rolled up newspaper I say.

At this time of year, I guess it’s pretty normal to find spiders creeping indoors when you’re not looking.  Most are just seeking a sheltered spot in which to sit out the winter.  Our spider appears to have moved in on a short term tenancy agreement.  The thing has spun an enormous web across the kitchen window on which it squats every night in defiance.  

Perhaps you think I am fussing too much over a poor, defenceless spider but if you saw the monster up close, I'm sure you'd also find it a disgustingly hideous creature.  OK, I’ll admit that at first I didn’t seem to mind it.  One of God’s creatures I told myself so the thought of squishing it seemed cruel but after several months, I can’t help feeling its taking the piss a bit.  Just how long do spiders live anyway?  And what sort of spider is this?  Could it be one of those false widows you hear about that give people nasty bites?  It certainly doesn’t look like your average black hairy scary sort of spider.  It’s shiny, brown in colour, doesn’t seem hairy and has most definitely out-stayed its welcome.

It's no good, you've got to go!

Secretly I had hoped it might have died whilst we were in Istanbul but no such luck. Now like a house-keeping Emperor Nero, I’m going to have to give it the thumbs up or down to settle its fate.   Imagine the horror on the Student Accommodation Officer’s face if she saw it on the window.  Oh the shame! 

There’s no getting round it, I’ve procrastinated long enough over the spider issue. I shall have to finally decide in the morning over a cup of tea on whether the spider gets its eviction orders or a blast of insecticide.  We shall see …


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