Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Thursday, December 28, 2017


All DIY has been temporarily shelved (ha ha) until the last of the turkey and tinsel is swept away which leaves plenty of time for the other half to get to grips with his new PS4 whilst I draw up the mother of lists of things to do round the house in 2018.

A new year is just around the corner but the only resolution I’ll be making from now on is to work less.  Yes, contrary to the Government’s view that we should all slave away till we die, I will finally achieve what most trade unions only dream of – the 4.5 day week.  Hurrah!

After what can only be described as a life sentence of employment drudgery (with no time off for good behaviour!) I’ve come to realise that at 54 years of age I’m quite frankly knackered. Oscar Wilde was right when he said work was the curse of the drinking classes. Over 35 years in an office when I could have been down the pub instead.  It’s a crying shame.

Part-time paradise beckons.  Not sure if it’s down to luck or an uncanny alignment of planets in my astrological chart, but finally my work sentence is about to be reduced (and not before time!) as I embark on my own pet personal project of downsizing my career. 

Even as I type this post, there are only 5 days 7 hours and 19 minutes to the 3 January 2018, a day that will go down in history when at 12 noon I’ll put down my tools and say ‘that’ll do pig’ before swanning off round the charity shops.  I'll have my very own half day closing every Wednesday afternoon from now onwards. 

Oh the joys of part time working – I can’t wait!   Here’s to a Happy New Year!!

Ah - this is the life!

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