Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


As luck would have it, my earlier dado rail bargain has turned into a bit of a dud which is what happens when you’re seduced by the yellow ticket siren as opposed to applying practical common sense to timber purchases.  Duh!

Unfortunately, the dado rails I bought are not deep enough to sit flush on the top rail of our wood panels.  This is not something that can be easily remedied without packing the back of the dado rail with thinner slivers of MDF, totally time consuming and a complete bodge.  Don’t try this at home!

Doctor Google has come up with a potential cure for my uselessness in the form of a large rebated wooden bead.  The rebate of 13mm will cover the top edge of our 12 mm panel and the slight overhang may also help disguise unevenness. 

Rebated wooden bead

Bead samples were obtained from the Victorian Emporium, a website dedicated to the renovation of period properties mostly Victorian.  Although wood samples were not free, it is worth splashing out for them so that you can try before you buy.  If I’d only done this months ago, I could have saved myself £28 and not be lumbered with useless timber now cluttering up my dining room.

Rebated edge sits better on top of panels

And as you can see from the above photo, the rebated edge on the wood sample allows the dado rail to sit snugly across the wood panel giving it a nice overlapping finish at the front.

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