Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Friday, March 02, 2018


Beware the ice of March.  Not something Julius Caesar had to bother with as there was probably little chance of snow in Rome back then but nevertheless, a misquoted warning not to be taken lightly.

Today’s a ‘Snow Day’, the grown up equivalent of a school closure due to inclement weather (teachers fearing litigation day).  It’s a day spent in PJs snacking on salt and vinegar crisps (according to the media - crisps can kill you, rot your teeth or something bad happens after a packet of Walkers; I forget which one).  Playing outside in the snow is not on my agenda as I can see icicles from where I type.  Surely this means I should crawl back into bed with a good book and forget I couldn’t make it into work today due to no buses?

6.30 am - view from bedroom

Icicles on the window frame

A few hours snuggled under my cosy duck down duvet should help me forget the epic 5 hour adventure of getting home from work last night.  Three hours stuck on a bus from Poole that resembled a public transport cork wedged solidly in a bottleneck of stationary traffic across the Poobo conurbation.  Hats off to our bus driver who kept his cool and a chirpy outlook in spite of the screaming child, whinging passengers and icy roads.

After the second hour parked up in a queue of traffic a mile long, it was clear nobody was going home anytime soon.  In the end, impatience won out so I got off the bus and trudged home through the icy mush from the LV roundabout back to Charminster, stopping for a toilet break and neat Southern Comfort on the way.  Luckily I’d thought to put on full thermal long johns under my office attire otherwise I might have sacrificed both legs to frostbite.  Brrrr!

Getting home last night

And so as the world grinds to a halt under a blizzardy coating of the white stuff, I’ve got a date with Netflix and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps.

McTwitters - closed due to adverse weather

Alfresco dining at the Snowy Cafe

Back garden thick with the white stuff

My poor little olive tree

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