Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Sunday, March 15, 2020


Clearing out the detritus of ‘clutter’ hoarded over the past 50 years is no easy task.  For starters you don’t appreciate just how much stuff you’ve kept and when picking through it to decide if it’s being tossed out or not, you do wonder why you had it in the first place.

I mean, why on earth have I got a cardboard bottle of Southern Comfort?  I’m not going to elaborate on how this item was acquired – let’s just say it came into my possession as a result of youthful misdemeanors and we’ll leave it at that.  But in the overall scheme of things, it has no purpose other than to gather dust so it’s now got to go.

Southern Comfort still brings me joy

The fourth bedroom (for years used as a home office) is now under the clutter clear-out microscope.  It’s been the dumping ground for all those things you use every now and again but have no other place to store – picnic baskets, surplus bedding, old board games, photo albums you’ve not looked at in years and a vast array of cables/power leads that seem to have mysteriously multiplied in the dark. 

OMG - what a mess!

According to Marie Kondo, that arch nemesis of hoarders, you should get rid of all stuff that doesn’t bring joy into your life.  But let’s face it, at some point in time everything you had must have given some kind of joy.  Even that cardboard Southern Comfort bottle, it always put a big smile on my face looking over at it as I racked my brain thinking of something witty to blog. 

Still, I guess it’s now a time to say goodbye to all those things you’re unlikely to miss in your new life such as the magnetic crazy cat lady, a yellow NY cab and your collection of Clangers (no! never!).  Cheerio old friends. 

Every home should have one

Souvenir of trip to the Big Apple

Clangers are forever and not being got rid of

To help keep the remaining clutter in check, the recessed nook in the corner of the office has been turned into a cupboard.  Once sorted, whatever needs to come with us to our next abode will at least be out of sight if not out of mind.

How to hide clutter

Convert recess into a handy cupboard

Then paint it to make it look nicer

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