Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Wednesday, November 03, 2021


The moon is not made of cheese, is not home to the Clangers and a cow certainly didn’t jump over it but somehow it did fit inside a cathedral, a feat that even the Almighty may have found a bit of a headache to achieve.


Mooning in church

Suspended above the alter at Chichester Cathedral is Luke Jerram’s fantastic ‘moon’, a 7m ethereal sphere depicting earth’s moon.  It’s stunning!


It only just fits

Shadowy patches across the surface

As you walk round the moon, you can clearly see the craters and dark shadows that pockmark the surface.


Like a giant ball of Aero chocolate

Or cheese?

In reality you would only ever see these things either from space or perhaps with a super powerful telescope but here we are admiring this model moon as up close and personal as you can ever hope to get to the real thing.


It's truly stunning to see

View from the choir stalls

Museum of the Moon is at Chichester’s Cathedral for another few weeks – I’ve already booked a return visit.

One giant leap for mankind

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