Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Saturday, January 15, 2022


Sometimes it rains and sometimes it pours but the time to worry is when it’s raining in your lounge. 

Over the festive period we discovered spillage and I’m not talking about the mess left behind after a raucous rendition of Auld Lang Syne whilst holding a wine glass full of the red stuff.  But not at a party.  Parties are definitely on the naughty list, ask Boris.  In our case, its spillage that’s came from the skies or rather from a damp looking patch on the lounge ceiling.


Looks rather wet up there

We would have been oblivious to said spillage if it hadn’t been for Blackie’s reluctance to have a kip in his usual fleecy spot because even cats object to sleeping in a damp patch.  An incontinent cat can’t be overlooked but it certainly didn’t smell of cat pee.  This odd kitty behaviour led us to discover a sopping wet fleecy blanket then look up to see a steady drip plopping down from the cracked ceiling.


Water stain also on the kitchen ceiling

Further investigation into the loft crawl space revealed a leaking joint on a copper pipe that we could only surmise belonged to the water system.  Gaffer tape to the rescue with a bodged bandage applied to the joint to tide us over into the new year.  Daily bowl emptying was top of the daily ‘to do’ list for a couple of weeks.


This is not how leaky pipes should be repaired

Finally, a Covid free plumber was found to fix this unexpected surprise Christmas ‘gift’ which set me back £80 for what I can only describe as a ‘cut and shut’ job.  The offending bit of leaky pipe was removed and a nice dry section welded in. 

Leaking pipe or entrance to Narnia?

Sadly this soggy drama rather scuppered all the super scrimping done before the festive season and is yet another unplanned financial drain on the limited budget for the new extension.

No leaks in my house

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