Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Thursday, April 20, 2023


Feeling flush?  Not satisfied with ruining us financially in their pursuit of unicorns, the Government has apparently set a target of reducing average water demand by a fifth by 2038.  Nice of them to communicate this to the nation as I certainly was unaware that the wet baby was soon to be chucked out with the bath-water but according to this article that appeared in Saturday’s edition of The Times ‘behaviour change by individuals is considered essential’ if this target is to be achieved.


The freedom to flush soon to disappear

Typical of the Tories to urge everyone into using LESS water rather than coming up with MORE ways to increase rainwater capture particularly since the UK has had above average rainfall for the month of March.  Pee Pee tax or free water butts to every household with a garden?  I know what I think would be the better option but no doubt, water companies will be ‘urged’ to increase standing charges to force us to wash less, flush less and drink less.


Big butts are better for saving water

Plenty of cash available to replenish the armouries of ammunition given to the Ukraine for their war but none available to build reservoirs or pipelines to move water from wetter areas to those drier parts of the country.  This is the UK rain is inevitable so why aren’t we doing more to scoop it up rather than letting it go to waste?  When I say ‘we’ I mean everyone as I already have 2 water butts and am saving for a mega rain tank to keep the veggie bed from drying out. 

Scarcity of water would not be an issue if the Government rationed housing development to control water demand in hard pressed areas or ensured that all new houses were built with systems that harvested rainwater in the first place.  Large underground water storage tanks with pumps connected to fill up toilet cisterns are the way forward for developments that have gardens.  But no, we couldn’t possibly expect wealthy developers to be so progressive or foot the bill to build sustainable eco-homes when they need all that profit to fill their swimming pools, could we?


All new housing developments should have one

I can tell you now that I’m certainly not going to be standing in the shower with a stop watch and as for that ‘mellow yellow’ mantra, forget it!  When I go to the loo, I don’t discriminate.  It’s rubber dinghy rapids for number 1’s and number 2’s.  No smelly pee pee festering in the pan for me, thank you very much.

Down With Pee Pee Tax 

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