Pots and Cans

Pots and Cans

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Another week of furlough, another room to paint.  Most people that get up at 7.00 am reach for the caffeine, I reach for the paint roller.  This week I’m freshening up my son’s old bedroom with a few coats of leftover Dulux Sunny Day paint.  It’ll be a mini-me replica of our bedroom, sunshiny and cheerful.

Sprucing up the spare room

Currently painted blue but soon to be re-painted yellow

In my daily micro-schedule (Silicon Valley’s trendy term for ‘To Do List’) decorating takes up all morning slots leaving the afternoons for lazy sunbathing or knitting.  These activities are often supplemented by a spot of baking if I’m truly bored. 

Sunny day outside and inside

Painting over the feature wall in Mellow Yellow

Dusty cat inspecting my paintwork

The Fat Devil often finds works for idle hands thus baking scrummy cookies or other fabulous sugary treats helps to keep your mind off pandemic misery.  Yesterday I rustled up some delicious farmyard favourites which I’ve called ‘Bovine Oaties’ complete with chocolate dipped bottoms so they look like real cows.  I bet Mcvities are ‘well jell’ or whatever the phrase is in street speak.  (I can get down with the kids too, you know!).

Bovine Oaties - delicious with a nice cup of tea

I see I’ve digressed once again from the real point of this article which is to give you an update on our game of Property Poker.  Keeping our cards close to our chest, we submitted a revised offer for the ‘biddy bungalow’ a few weeks ago and fortune has favoured the brave, it has been accepted by the seller.  

All we have to do now is get on with the business of selling our own house – the game is on!

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